Lehr's Prime Market Lehr's Prime Market Q: Why are fish so lucky? A: They seize every oppor-tuna-ty. Lehr's Prime Market You don’t have to be a brain sturgeon to come up with a fish pun. 740 Main Street Milford Milford, OH 45150 US MAP Comments: 0 Views: 2596 Article rating: 2.5 More Details Author: Fisher Man February 19, 2021 February 26, 2021 March 5, 2021 March 12, 2021 March 19, 2021 March 26, 2021 Good Friday, April 2, 2021 Author: Fisher Man Dinner is served: Not sure, let us know please... Dining Location: Prices: Contact: Website: Lehr's Prime Market Website Address: 740 Main Street Milford Milford, OH 45150 US 513.831.3411 MAP Summary: Every Friday during Lent, Milford's Lehr's meat market hosts a fish fry featuring a haddock sandwich basket (beer-battered haddock on marble rye with tartar sauce), and a la carte options including hush puppies, mac and cheese and extra tartar sauce. Take home or dine in. Menu Items: hush puppiesbeer-battered haddock on marble rye with tartar saand a la carte optionsmac and cheesetartar sauce Something to share while eating: Q: Why are fish so lucky? A: They seize every oppor-tuna-ty. Share with a friend Read more EventID: 72 Number of views: 2596