Mary, Queen of Heaven Mary, Queen of Heaven Q: What did Dorothy the fish say? A: There’s no plaice like home. Mary, Queen of Heaven Hoping to avoid turtle disaster. 1150 Donaldson Highway Erlanger, Ky 40994 US MAP Comments: 0 Views: 1833 Article rating: 4.7 More Details Author: Fisher Man February 19, 2021 February 26, 2021 March 5, 2021 March 12, 2021 March 19, 2021 March 26, 2021 Author: Fisher Man Dinner is served: 4-8 p.m. Dining Location: Prices: Contact: Toni Holian Website: Mary, Queen of Heaven Website Address: 1150 Donaldson Highway Erlanger, Ky 40994 US (859) 371-2622 MAP Summary: Mary, Queen of Heaven boasts the namesake Codfather, aka John Geisen, the CEO of Izzy’s, dresses in Mafioso gear and carries a huge stuffed cod around the fry for cherished photo ops. 4-8 p.m. Dine In - Carry Out - Drive Thru Menu Items: Moregreen beansFriesColeslawmac and cheeseIcelandic codsignature Holy Haddock sandwich Something to share while eating: Q: What did Dorothy the fish say? A: There’s no plaice like home. Share with a friend Read more Updated for 2020 EventID: 73 Number of views: 1833